Dolomedes fishing spider biology
Reviving an an endangered European butterfly
Nephila male preference for female size and web clusters
Spider kleptoparasites on orb web resource patches
Spiders manipulate and exploit firefly signals
A spider, an ant, and a termite walk into a bar
DNA barcoding insufficiently identifies European wild bees
A 400% increase in Dolomedes diversity on Madagascar
Behavioural sex differences in the raft spider
Mating plugs: for mating or sperm protection
First stygobiotic form of Garra in Iran
A new intertidal trapdoor spider species discovered in Taiwan
Sex-specific trait architecture in a spider
Improving family-level classifications
Island and Rensch’s rules do not apply to Asellus aquaticus
Postdoc on sexual size dimorphism
Evidence for lekking in a new kite spider
Next-generation biogeography
7 grand challenges in arachnology
New scientific journal on arachnids