Body Size, Not Personality, Explains Male Mating Success in a Widow Spider
Call for Dolomedes material and collaboration
Phylogenomic, Biogeographic, and Evolutionary Research Trends in Arachnology
SSD-Media coverage
Machine learning predicts species richness
Novi pogledi na razlike v biodiverziteti
Biogeography of the globally distributed Argiope trifasciata
Spider webs as a source of eDNA
Matjaž Kuntner is looking for a postdoc!
Is foraging innovation lost following colonization of a less variable environment?
A new approach to organismal biogeography
Congratulations dr. Quiñones-Lebrón!
Genetic variances and cross‐sex genetic correlations in spider personalities
Transcriptome of Darwin’s bark spider silk glands predicts tougher silk
Spider Welfare
The Geography of Slovenia
Entelegyne spider reproduction system needs redefinition
Smaller male spiders are not faster climbers
Golden orbweavers ignore biological rules
Evolutionary history and biogeography of Deinopis